Lemon, Acid But Alkaline - Alkanatur North America

Lemon, Acid But Alkaline

Despite its acid taste, lemon has an alkaline effect on the body. It is also an excellent blood purifier and helping to detoxify the organism, ideal now in the spring, when the liver needs a little help.

Despite what may seem, lemon juice has an alkaline effect. Taking a lemon juice lowered with warm water and a little honey or stevia, can be a good way to start the day!

Lemon juice helps to thin the blood and increases the number of white blood cells, which fight and prevent infections. It is a powerful antioxidant and depurative since the effect produced by its juice is totally detoxifying and purifying. In addition, lemon is very effective against microbes and certain viruses.

Stimulates the nervous system and is very indicated in cases of gastroduodenal ulcers, dyspepsia and hepatic and pancreatic insufficiency. Is also great to ensure the proper functioning of the digestive system, as it regulates and stimulates gastric secretions. For this, you can take lemon juice lowered in water several times in a day. To improve the taste, honey or stevia can be mixed.

But that’s not all, other properties of the internal use of lemon are:

It is antiseptic.
It is an excellent disinfectant.
Cleans the throat and keeps the voice clear.
In colds, lemon juice is indicated in hot water and with a teaspoon of honey.
It helps to cure angina by drinking and gargling with its juice.
It is diuretic.
Purify the blood.
Stimulates the function of the liver.
The lemon juice taken with hot water on an empty stomach is perfect to cleanse abilities, stomach, liver and dilute fats.
Special indigestion taking it with hot water, tea or chamomile.
It is slimming (due to its diuretic properties, detoxifying and helps to burn fat).
It calms neuralgia (due to its decongestant effect).
Avoid and combat premature aging.

In conclusion the lemon is a food we should consume daily if we want to have a more alkaline pH, use it in your recipes and combine it with alkaline water Alkanatur!

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